Do you know Hutchison PLLC? This small firm is nimble, has top-notch talent, and most importantly, they have passion for startups.
This throw-back-Thursday, check out our June 2019 interview with Hutchison partner Justyn Kasierski. Here, he tells us about how the firm started working with Gainesville companies and why they think the city has great potential.
Like all good stories- it’s worth telling more than once.
Like bread and butter, some things just go together. So often, satisfaction comes with making a perfect pair. That’s why so many Gainesville startups are satisfied; they found the right partner to facilitate business growth. Because what is a more perfect match for aspiring entrepreneurs than a law firm dedicated to helping startups?
For Hutchison, a law firm formed to serve entrepreneurs, Gainesville is the perfect fit with its fruitful startup scene. The firm opened an office in the city in 2015, moving into the community due to the heavy concentration of startups and uprising university talent pool with a promising future.
Hutchison was established twenty-five <they’ll be singing happy birthday in May 2021> years ago in Raleigh, North Carolina, where its headquarters are still located. When choosing where to extend their hand to business owners, they landed upon Gainesville, as the city was home to numerous pre-existing clients. Hutchison had helped North Florida clients for over a decade before moving to town. By 2015, they not only had roots in the area but an understanding of Gainesville culture on a social and professional level.
“The firm’s DNA is built on representing emerging growth technology companies,” said Justyn Kasierski, partner at Hutchison PLLC. “Of course, the University of Florida is renowned for spinning out those types of companies. That is what first attracted us to the area back in 2005. What we found after working in Gainesville is that there is an entrepreneur ecosystem flourishing more and more everyday.”
That is what first attracted us to the area back in 2005. What we found after working in Gainesville is that there is an entrepreneur ecosystem flourishing more and more everyday.”
Since coming to Gainesville, Hutchison has watched the city entrepreneurially transcend over the years they’ve been in town. The startup scene continues to grow in Alachua at every phase of the business life-cycle. There is a continuous supply of startups, but an increasing number of companies have successfully established themselves on the local, regional, national, and even international stages. That’s where Hutchison comes in, providing guidance at every stage of a startup life.
Evenmore, Hutchison’s belief in the city’s promise is ever growing. “Our firm spends a lot of time in entrepreneurial ecosystems like Nashville, Atlanta, and more. We feel Gainesville is right there with that DNA, minus the size difference. Gainesville punches above its weight when it comes to entrepreneurship. Success breeds success, and we believe Greater Gainesville’s collaborative ecosystem will continue to nurture and accelerate the formation and growth of companies here,” said Kasierski.
Gainesville punches above its weight when it comes to entrepreneurship. Success breeds success, and we believe Greater Gainesville’s collaborative ecosystem will continue to nurture and accelerate the formation and growth of companies here,” said Kasierski.
What exactly are those advantages that Alachua has to offer? Take Gainesville’s affordable and available office spaces, warehouses, manufacturing areas, and lab spaces. Then, there’s UF and Santa Fe, which provide a highly-educated talent pool in Hutchison’s eyes. On top of it all, the cost of living is relatively low in Gainesville, meaning that companies’ payroll can also be lower, there are incredible incubators and accelerators, and there is no state income tax. One may say Gainesville is a breeding ground for startups, providing quite the advantageous environment for entrepreneurs.
The folks at Hutchison are business attorneys, rather than attorneys practicing business. In other words, their entire practice focuses on business as opposed to being a law firm that handles business law as only one of many other sectors. Their singular focus on business law means that they understand what it means to grow an organization from the ground up, making them a perfect match for entrepreneurs needing legal guidance.
Kasierski explained that Hutchison’s entire business model is focused on startups and rising entrepreneurs. “What makes us unique as a firm is our focus on serving entrepreneurs. There are a lot of great law firms in Florida, but we think we are unique because of that mission. We feel like it’s something we need to be present in – the Gainesville ecosystem – so we are.”
“What makes us unique as a firm is our focus on serving entrepreneurs. There are a lot of great law firms in Florida, but we think we are unique because of that mission. We feel like it’s something we need to be present in – the Gainesville ecosystem – so we are.”
As it grows, Gainesville is likely to further transpire into more of an entrepreneurial hub than we see today. Standing by is Hutchison, ready to facilitate the growth of the entrepreneurs that transform the city.
Written by Meg Boria-Meyer